JS Paint

Privacy Policy

JS Paint is a pixel-perfect remake of Microsoft Paint that runs in the browser.

This privacy policy applies to the JS Paint website at jspaint.app.

Personal Data

JS Paint doesn't track you or sell your data.

Third-Party Services

JS Paint doesn't send any information to a server in most cases.

There are a few features which do talk to a server:

Some of these features may be defunct due to changes in the services they rely on. They may be replaced or removed in the future, to simplify the privacy policy.

Local Storage

JS Paint uses local storage to save your work in progress.

You can view and delete stored images with File > Manage Storage.

Think of this as a backup, in case you close the tab by accident or your computer crashes. Don't rely on it as your only backup.

There is currently no option to prevent the app from saving a backup, however you can use your browser's private browsing mode to prevent the data from being persisted.

If the URL starts with https://jspaint.app/#local:, it's a local session, private to you.

Collaborative Sessions

Multi-user sessions are currently public. Anyone could find and view, edit, or delete them.

Private collaborative sessions are not yet supported.

If the URL starts with https://jspaint.app/#session:, it's a multi-user session.